☺ Club Penguin Assisstance Guide ☺

May 1, 2008

Old News

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 12:06 am

Hey there!  I’ve been getting a lot of messages stating certain things that are untrue about what I post, and my posts are months old.  Everyone is posting stuff like “thats not true, LIAR.”  People its months old.  I’m sure it may be proven wrong in the future but it was true back then.

Please don’t post that anymore.  I would greatly appreciate it  😉

March 21, 2008

Let’s All Be Friends! :P

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 5:41 am

Hey I’ve been noticing I’m gettin an awful lot of spam.  People there’s no need to use curse words for anything.  Any rude comments from  this point will be deleted and the person posting it will not be allowed to post again.

Ways Not To Get Blocked:

Don’t Curse

Don’t Insult Anyone/Anything

And Don’t Forget To Have Fun!!!!

Waddle On Ya’ll!!

January 31, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:05 am

Hey I just wanted to drop in to let you know that I’ve been getting a lot of messages explaining the “cruelness” of some of the situations of the jokes I write like the “Kill Rockhopper” picture I developed.  People It’s just a joke, try not to take it so personally ok?  Thats all I ask, It’s not real.

December 21, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 10:18 pm

Hey everyone, this weekend I’m going to be on Meebo for a while everyday to catch up on whats new with everyone, feel free to leave a message or chat with me when I’m online! 😉

November 19, 2007

Hey Everyone!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 9:07 am

Hey whats up everyone?!  I’m just checking out the site, making sure everything is going good…one of the reasons I’m posting something is because I got an e-mail from my friend Goweapon who sent me this hilarious picture I thought all of you should see!  It sure made me laugh for a while!


September 16, 2007

Calling It Quits

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 8:53 pm

Sorry everyone, but my site is too much work to keep up with, its tearing me up from my social life.  I’ve already lost a friend and my family is really mad at me that I’m spending more time on meebo and my site than I am with them.  That’s why I’m not going to work on my site anymore.  What you see is what you get.

But this isn’t all bad news.  I will still be on Club Penguin.  But I won’t update my site from this day.  I may add something if I want, and I may come back!  But not now when things are bad.  Sorry everyone. 😦

P.S.  This also means that the 50,000 hits party is cancelled

100th Newspaper In Club Penguin!

Filed under: The Newspaper Is Important — boulderdash @ 8:31 pm

After all the years of hard work, the Club Penguin team has finally reached 100 newspapers!  I read it in the newspaper but I didn’t know there was a room decorated for it. 😮  Anyways, its in the boiler room!  Go check it out!  They have banners and balloons everywhere!


September 15, 2007

Fall Fair Festival

Filed under: Party Information — boulderdash @ 4:16 am

As everyone now knows, the fall festival is about to take place!  And they are starting to unpack  everything!  All the crates of items and decorations are being stocked up in the Lighthouse.


New Pin!

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 4:12 am

Not only did Rockhopper show up but so did a new pin!  Get it before it “swims” away from the Ski Lodge!


Rockhoppers Back!

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 4:06 am

Rockhopper returned to the shores of Club Penguin earlier today!  Here are the items he brought with him!


September 13, 2007

Rockhopper Returns!

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 8:27 am

Hey everyone!  Rockhopper is coming back!  He was spotted in the telescope earlier then this, and I’m sorry this is short notice, but he arrives on Friday!  Don’t miss him or his new items!


September 10, 2007

Meebo Is Fixed!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 12:01 am

Finally!  Meebo is finally fixed.  No more…not…talking I guess.  Heh heh.  I’m glad they finally worked it out!  I really would like to talk to my awesome viewers!  And now you can!

September 9, 2007

50,000 Hits Party!

Filed under: Party Information — boulderdash @ 11:57 pm

Hey everyone!  My viewers keep increasing every day so fast!  I didn’t know that 50,000 hits would get here so soon!  Well, it hasn’t gotten here yet, but it will!  And in honor of my hits, I am throwing another party!  Which will hopefully be better than the last one!  The information is below! 😀


Hope you can make it!

Chewit Dude

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:47 am

I’m not a big fan of Chewit Dude, but the cool thing is that I met him. 🙂

Here’s a picture.


September 8, 2007

Meebo Problems

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 10:47 pm

Sorry everyone for the recent meebo troubles.  You may realize that when you try to leave me a message on meebo, you can’t hit enter in order to leave it.  That’s is because it has no where to go so you can’t send it.  I’m not entirely sure what’s going on at meebo but I can’t do anything about it.  Sorry. 😦

Captain Rockhopper’s Journal

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 9:26 am

Want to read Rockhopper’s journal, but you can’t because he isn’t docked in Club Penguin?  Well, no worries now, because now you can read it any time you want!  Just go to this site!


Secrets Revealed!

Filed under: Party Information — boulderdash @ 8:47 am

Sorry this is kind of late but I could’nt get the picture for some reason.  Anyways, the secrets of Rockhoppers boxes has been unfolded!  Or “unrolled” in this “case.”  Because we now know that the surprise in the boxes are for another fantastic party for Club Penguin!  I’ll give you the details as soon as I hear about them!


Catalog Secrets (September/October)

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 3:09 am


Hey everyone!  Great catalog this month I must say!  It had loads of awesome new things in it!  Anyways, here are the major secrets I found!

First, you can find the Swimming Goggles on the page with the camping gear and Lifeguard shirt are!  Just click on either the word “Lifeguard,” or the Penguin on it! 🙂



Second, you can still get the Red Electric Guitar on the page with the Formal Gown on it!  Just click on the middle band in the middle of the Gown to reveal the secret guitar!



And last but not least, the Red and Blue Viking helmet!  Still no Gold, sorry. 😦  Anyways, you can find the Red and Blue Helmet on the page with the Scuba Diving equipment.  Click on the Scuba Tank to reveal the Red Helmet!  Then click on it 3 more times to reveal the Blue Helmet!




Hope this helped!  Come back soon for more news about Club Penguin! 😀

September 7, 2007

New Stuff!

Filed under: New Stuff — boulderdash @ 5:50 pm

Hey everyone!  The new catalog came out today!  sadly, I can’t get pictures because I don’t have enough time before school so this is just a little reminder until I get pictures and information!  This catalog is awesome!  Go check it out!  Even if you aren’t a member!

HQ T.V. Update

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 3:58 am

The T.V.’s in the HQ are starting to show blue penguins now.  But I think that they are having a little trouble on the Dojo screen.  The penguins are on the walls.  😆



Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:54 am

I was just wandering around and I saw Prototype123 again!  I’m still unsure if he really is a Club Penguin robot or just another player with an unusual name like most of us.  Maybe not. 😮


But still, this raises my concerns about this player.  I have no clue what is going on.

P.S.  I checked the names in the files of Club Penguin, and you can make penguins called “CP Robot (number here)”  Its funny.  You can make a penguin called “CP Robot 1” if you hurry before its taken! 😀

The News Of September

Filed under: The Newspaper Is Important — boulderdash @ 3:25 am

I can’t get the web address just yet, but some interesting news came in today!

Now we know what Rockhopper’s gift to Club Penguin will be, a Fair!  this was all do to the help of 2 penguins playing Hide-N-Go Seek in the Lighthouse!  Here is the diagram of one of the building structures may be like!


Also, because of the new Wakeboard’s and other equipment released, the Club Penguin Team is thinking of renaming the game of “Ballistic Biscuit” to something that goes better with the new sport gear.  Here are the choices.

Ballistic Boarder

Board Breaker

Water Yachter

Wake Caper


Choose Wisely! 🙂

And last, we have some major changes coming to Club Penguin within the next couple weeks!  All in the Upcoming Events section!


Hope you enjoyed this weeks edition of the Club Penguin paper! 🙂

September 4, 2007

Robot Penguin?

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:16 am

I’ve heard that Club Penguin was releasing robots to find “bugs” in the program and I think I found one today.  This person didn’t talk to anyone, he kept changing clothes and dancing in them, and he kept walking in and out of the Sport Shop.  I don’t know if this was merely a coincidence and this is just some weird person, or if this is a robot that the Club Penguin Team was talking about.


Disney Is Buying Out Club Penguin!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 12:21 am

Some shocking news!  Disney is buying out Club Penguin!  They aren’t teaming up with them, just taking over the business!  If you don’t believe me go to http://www.thedisneyblog.com/tdb/2007/08/disney-to-buy-c.html?cid=81491205#comment-81491205 !!!!  You’ll see some comments by people including me about what we think about this crazy-ness. 

Moon Dust55 was the first person to inform me about this.  Thanks MD!

P.S.  The takeover will be complete in 2009!  So live it up!

September 3, 2007

Scary Movie, Club Penguin Style

Filed under: Videos — boulderdash @ 11:14 pm

Scary movie done by me and my buddies!  Enjoy!

 Movies made by Gjmc784 www.gjc784.wordpress.com

Scary Movie 3 coming soon!

Pizza In My Eye!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 9:11 pm

Aaaaah!  Oh Geez!  It buuuuuurns!!!  Oooo pepperoni!


Finding Penguin Moderators

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 8:36 am

Now, this is a way to get the edge on finding famous penguins like Billybob, Rsnail, Rockhopper, and more!  This is very simple.  If you want to know if they are online, take Rockhopper for example, just type in their name in the “Log in as other penguin” box, and type in a random password.

If it says that this account is banned forever, then that means they are not online.   But if it says “incorrect password,” then that means they are online right now!  This is a good way to find Rockhopper if you want to meet him instead of searching for hours and he may not even be online!

This is a little tidbit from my good buddy Waco Jacko.  Thanks WJ! 🙂

Waddle On!

September 2, 2007

Moving Pin?

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 5:19 am

Have you noticed that the Pin has been moving in the Boiler Room lately?  It’s still staying on the furnace, it’s not bouncing around the room, but the first day it was there, it was on the outside of the furnace.  Now its on the inside facing towards the corner of the room!  The Pin is alive!  Aaaaaah!

Just Kidding 🙂

Amazing Progress!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 5:16 am

I have been having amazing progress on my site lately!  My site has only been up for almost 4 months and I have already gotten so many viewers and have become good friends with a lot of them!  Thank you all for choosing my site! I really appreciate it!  Let me know what I can do to improve my site for all of you!

Waddle On!

September 1, 2007

The Newspaper

Filed under: The Newspaper Is Important — boulderdash @ 3:13 am

Ever need the news on Club Penguin but you didn’t have the time?  Well now you do!  I’m going to put up this site below to help you out!  All this does is open up the newspaper firsthand to give you the news!


P.S.  This link is also in my blogroll 

Hope you like it!

Catalog Secrets (August/September)

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 3:08 am

In honor of the Grand Opening of the Sport Shop.  There is a new catalog!  And a new catalog means new catalog SECRETS, which I have posted below!

Also, the poster is new by the door.



I really was impressed with this catalog!  It really blew my mind!  They brought back the old stuff and Surfboards that you can actually surf on!  Sam ewith the Wake Boards!  Anyways, here are the secrets to the catalog!


I could only find one secret, the Silver Surfboard!  To get it first, click on the Penguin, then click on the Seashell, and finally click on the Starfish!  If you don’t understand then look at the picture above. 🙂

Also, a little tip on the Surfoboards and Wakeboards, it you are carying them when you go into a game, (Surfboard for Catchin’ Waves, Wakeboard for Ballistic Biscuit) then you will actually be able to play on it!  Cool huh!

Hope it helped!

New Pin!

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 2:48 am


The new pin is a baseball!  Play catchi with your friends!  Go get it now, its in the Boiler Room!

August 30, 2007

Sport Shop

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:53 am

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the change of the Sport Shop this Friday!  In honor of the celebration there may be “give-aways.” Who knows!  We might get lucky and get more free items!  Just keep logging on to Club Penguin to find out!  I will have it posted as soon as I hear about it! 🙂

August 27, 2007

Walk On Walls Glitch

Filed under: Videos — boulderdash @ 8:07 am

A simple way to walk on walls!

My Food!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 12:12 am


August 26, 2007

Starting School

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:48 am

I’m starting school on the next Monday so I won’t be online and finding new things on CP as much as I usually do.  Neither will you either I guess since most of you have already started school. 😦

But thats ok! 🙂 .  Because I will still be posting as much as I can to give you the most information you could possibly want!  Yay!

Until then…Waddle On!

Updates For Fall!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 6:35 am

I’ve found out some very good news everyone!  This Fall, the Club Penguin team is going to make loads of new stuff for Club Penguin.  As I heard, we will have new parties, games and the possibility of a new mission!  And so soon!  I’ll let you know whats coming first as soon as I can!

Until then…Waddle On!

August 25, 2007

Camp-Out Party Pictures

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 11:50 pm

On my site, good parties are not forgotten!  Here are the party pictures from the weekend camp-out party!


Mmmmm…Toasty!  Could you pass the marshmallows?


“Mess Hall?”  Why call it Mess Hall?


Ooooh…Now I see. 🙂


Burgers anyone?  Oooo theres a bug in mine!  Bonus!


I don’t think its wise to stand next to the waterfall for too long because…because!…I GOTTA PEE!

Hope you liked them! 🙂

The 25,000 Hits Party!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 6:35 am

The party came and went.  I’m sorry for those of you who weren’t there because it was a huge hit!  I was planning on staying in my igllo the whole time but then we thought, what the heck!  Lets move the party around everywhere!  Here are some pictures I took!  Enjoy! 😀


Everyone was having a blast!  I went through a few costume changes too just as everyone else. 🙂


I was surprised to find out that a lot of people where waiting for me in my igloo before I even got there!


Then we watched a little bit of harmless TV.


After that we watched the puffles put on a show for us!


Then we had a Snowball fight to the death!  Reds vs. Blues!  I was knocked unconcious with a snowball with a brick in it, so I didn’t see who won.  Thank you very much Tumbee!  Jk. 🙂


We also had a couple “impersonators” at the party.  By Pengy and Spookkid.  Spookkid copied me later on.


Then like I said at the top, we decided to take the party to the Beach!  After that we headed to the Cove but I forgot to take a picture.  He he, oops. 


After the Cove, we went to the Snow Forts!


Then we went to the Dock and had some Burgers!  I think Temachu had a bug in hers and thats why shes running in this picture.


After we fueled back up with Burgers, we went to the forest where I saw a talking tree!


Then once we partied up the Forest we head over to Ski Mountain where we sled a couple races!  I won 2 of them!  Yay for me!


Then we “boogied down” in the Dance club where Tumbee got mad fever for Temachu!


Then finally we went to the Iceberg to do a little dancing and talking.  We even had a little After-Party!

Well, thats it for this party!  Come back later when I reveal my next party! 

Until Then…Waddle On! 🙂

Want Some Privacy?

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:47 am

Hey, I found out that if you are a person who minds their space and wants it too, then you can go on the servers Snowy River, or Brumby on the last flag of the four server flags. 

I’ve noticed that when you’re on this server none of your buddies will know that your there!  It doesn’t show up on that server!  That’s why there are so little people there all the time!

Hope this helps!  Waddle On!

The Pizza Is Back!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:29 am

Good news!  The pizza and the other 3 emoticans (igloo, nighttime, and game controller) are back!  That glitch is finally over!  Now we can finally “not” use words all over again!  That’s all for now.  Don’t forget my party!  My igloo, 4-5 CP time, Mukluk!

Waddle On!

August 24, 2007

New Item!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:23 pm

In the Camp out party I found a new item!  The marshmallow on a stick!  Hang out around the campfire with your friends making Smores with this new item which is at the Cove!


Good News And Bad News

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:07 am

Well, the bad news is that Rockhopper will be leaving Friday and won’t be back for another 3 weeks or so.  But the good news is that upon his leave, the Camp-out party will begin!

But that’s not the main reason for this post.  What I found out was that when Rockhopper returns, he will open that huge gift in the Lighthouse!  What could it be?  I don’t know, that’s why i’m asking you!  Post your opinions of what you think it could be!

August 23, 2007

The News Of August

Filed under: The Newspaper Is Important — boulderdash @ 10:46 pm

Of course tomorrow the big weekend camp out party begins and everyone is excited about it!  New items and new memories of Club Penguin to go in the year book!  Come and join the party!

Also, as I mentioned before, the Sport Shop is going to get a major makeover!  Its going to be changed a lot and be completed by the 31’st!



Where’s Boulderdash?

Filed under: Where's Boulderdash? — boulderdash @ 10:26 pm

Much better than Where’s Waldo!  Its Where’s Boulderdash!  See if you can find me!  If you can, good for you!  If you can’t, then keep looking. 🙂 

Here is the picture.


Hint:  You can see my entire name

Get More People!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 9:47 pm

I’ve got a great selection of fantastic viewers!  Now lets try to get more!  Any other site you go to try to put my site on there so that we may get more hits and I can do more parties for all of my amazing viewers!

Waddle On! 🙂

Camp-Out/25,000 Hits Party Tomorrow!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 9:43 pm

Don’t miss either of them!  The camp out party promises new items and a great time!  My 25,000 hits party is going to be my first party so dress awesome because I will be taking pictures!  My party will be at 4-5 Club Penguin Time, in my igloo on the Canadian server Mukluk!

Until Then…Waddle On! 🙂

Weekend Party Sneak Peek!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 5:01 am


Here is a sneak peek of the upcoming party on Friday!  Thanks to the help Jimmy574, we have discovered that this camp out will be held at the Dock!  If you look at the trees in the background, on the left and if you look in the middle at the top where you see the blue sky, you will notice that these match the makings of the Dock!  Anyways, this will be held Friday and so will my 25,000 hits party!  Don’t miss either of them!  They’re going to be a blast!

August 22, 2007

Rockhopper Spotted!

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 8:00 pm


Hey everybody!  I spotted Rockhopper in the Pirate Ship Hold of the Migrator late last night!  But I already had the background so it was pointless.  Keep searching for him and you will find Rockhopper too! 😀

Missing Pizza?

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:02 am

I’m not sure if this is a glitch on everyone’s account but I tried to do the pizza emote and all that came up was a blank box!  No pizza or anything!  I think someone stole it.  Try it!  If the pizza emote still works for you then my computer is going wack!  I even tried logging off and coming back on!  Nothing!  Here’s a picture of it.


More Beta Testers?!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:57 am

Alright this is starting to scare me but I found another Beta Tester on the same server as last time!  Snowy River!  Apparently they go to that one a lot!  Maybe it was on of the first servers?  Anyways here is the picture.


This is starting to scare me now. 🙂

August 21, 2007

I Met 2 Beta Testers Today!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:20 am

Hi, as you can tell by the title, I met some more Beta Testers!  In the picture you can only see one, but I met 2 at the same time because they were sisters!  In the picture you see KellyM and the one that I couldn’t get was KellyM32. 


The best part about this is…I am KellyM32’s buddy now!  I found these 2 beta testers in the Snowy River server. 

P.S.  One way to tell if they are a beta tester is by the color party hat they wear.  Not the green and blue one, but the pink and yellow one!  However, they will not be wearing this hat all the time, so another way to tell is their name.  If you see a capital letter next to a lowercase one like shown above, (The “M” next to the “y”) then that also means they are a beta tester!  Good Luck! 🙂

August 19, 2007

Puffle O’s Facts!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 11:41 pm

You know that puffle O’s box in the red puffle catalog?  If you zoom in then you will see some interesting things like this.


“Do not use if pets are allergic to applesauce?”  So how do I know if my puffles are allergic to applesause?  I don’t have any!


Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 5:39 am

Sorry to spring this on you 6 days before the party, but I’m going to have to bump the party up to an earlier time!  It will be held at my igloo at 4-5 PST, same as usual.  But it will be moved down to August “24” instead of 25.  I’m sorry if this doesn’t work for you but something has come up and I had to change it.  Hope you can still make it!

Waddle On!

25,000 Hits Party Sneak Peek!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 5:21 am

Here is a sneak peek of what my igloo will look like at the party!


August 18, 2007

Igloo Catalog Secrets (August/September)

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 8:47 am

Here are the secrets I found in the Igloo catalogs for this month and next.  Enjoy!  If you find one I missed then please inform me. 🙂


I could only find the King Throne chair in this catalog.


This next catalog is the one where the good stuff is!


To get the Secret Stone Igloo, click on the bent up floor board on this page.


To get the Secret Stone Deluxe Igloo, click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo.



And finally, to get the Snow Globe Igloo, simply click on all of the times the word “Snow” appears in the catalog and then click on the window of the Basic Igloo.


New Stuff (Igloo)

Filed under: New Stuff — boulderdash @ 8:09 am

Good News for all you member penguins out there!  New Igloo stuff! 

The theme of these catalogs is Camping, so get your outdoor supplies for inside in these new catalogs!



To see the catalog secrets, go to the “Catalog and Pin Secrets” catagory on the right.

Rockhopper’s Gift?

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 2:05 am

There is a bunch of boxes in the Lighthouse and it looks like it could be a gift from Rockhopper!  But what could it be?  Well, as it says on the tag, we will have to wait to find out in Fall. 😦


August 17, 2007


Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 7:49 pm

As you know, Rockhopper’s ship sailed in today!  Here are some of the rare items he brought with him.


Personally, I love the parrot!

New Pin!

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 11:25 am

The new pin is out!  Hurray! 🙂

Its at the Mine Shack hidden on your map.  The perfect place to camp out in!


Sport/Gift Shop

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:20 am

The Sport shop and the Gift shop have always been the same right?  Well I’ve gotten news that the Sport shop is in for a BIG CHANGE.  I don’t know anymore right now but when I do I will inform you!

Waddle On!

Rockhopper Is Almost Here Again!

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 2:18 am


Rockhopper was spotted in the telescope this Wednesday and he is expected to appear tomorrow on Friday! 🙂

Who knows what treasures he brings with him this time ?

August 15, 2007

No More Hacking Videos

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 4:34 am

Apparently someone found out that PFC33 was hacking and now he is banned FOREVER.  It was probably due to putting hacks on my site. 😦

So from now on, there will be no more hacking videos placed on my site however the ones that have already been placed will stay there.  If you do not want them to stay there then please say so in a comment.  I guess you could call this another poll to take off the hacks that are already on there.  This poll will be going on until August 20, 2007.


August 14, 2007

New Sayings

Filed under: New Stuff — boulderdash @ 12:57 am

Many of you may or may not have noticed, but we can say numbers, just not freely in the chat box.  They are in the easy-chat section of the toolbar.  Here is where you can find them.


August 13, 2007

What The…

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:45 am

Could anybody give me any information as to why so many people aren’t coming to my site any more?  I usually get about 400-600 people.  Now I’m barely getting 300 for the past 3 days!

Is it school starting or something?  Because if it is please tell me.  If not then please help me understand whats going on. 😦


August 12, 2007

Any Suggestions?

Filed under: Suggestion Box — boulderdash @ 11:52 pm

Like any other website moderator, I want to know what you would like to see more of on my site!  Give me suggestions! 🙂

Waddle On!

Club Penguin Music Video!

Filed under: Videos — boulderdash @ 11:35 pm

 This video wasn’t by me, but it is HILARIOUS.  Hope you like it! 🙂

Puffle Fight!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 9:37 am


You’re goin’ down!

Oh no, it is YOU who is goin’ down!


New Stuff

Filed under: New Stuff — boulderdash @ 9:31 am

Some new postcards came out today!  Use them wisely. (As if you couldn’t?)


August 10, 2007

Sled Tracks Open!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 11:03 am

Just wanted to remind you that the Sled Tracks are open once more! 😀

The News Of August

Filed under: The Newspaper Is Important — boulderdash @ 3:46 am

Here are some main features of the Newspaper

1)  The winners for the best costume contest came out.  There are 20 winners!  10 for the best camp-out outfits.  And 10 for the most Outrageous outfits!

2)  All Sled Tracks will be open again on August 10th!  And there will also be new routes!  Go Sledding again with your pals!


August 10th-

Sled Routes Reopen (New Routes too)

New Post Cards

August 17th-

New Furniture and Igloo Design Catalogs

Rockhopper Arrives

August 24- 

Weekend Party Starts

The Idiot Test!

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 3:13 am

Think your the smartest person out there?  Take the Idiot Tests!!!  Even if your dumb, who knows!  You could get lucky!

The Idiot Test


The Idiot Test 2


The Idiot Test 3


The Idiot Test 4


Igloo Contest Winners

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 2:38 am

Here are the winners of the July Igloo contest!  The Theme was Water!


Icy Fang8785




Doubble Lls




Hockee Rulz











Watch for the next Igloo contest soon!

August 9, 2007

25,000 Hits Party!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 9:01 pm


I will be taking pictures of the event so dress good! 🙂

August 8, 2007

Get Popular!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 9:54 pm

This is a funny way to get attention, and it works!  Go into the Pizza Parlor, make sure that there is only a few people (10 or so at the most) and start going into the pizza game and coming instantly back out!  Everyone will wonder what the heck your doing and gather all around you!  Its funny because it works!  I’ve done it several times! 🙂

It’s A Sign. Literally!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 9:00 am


August 7, 2007

Ski Hill Closed! New Mission Is Out!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 10:46 pm


There will be no more sledding for quite a while!  This is all due to the avalanche and it won’t be completed until we agents complete the mission!  That’s right! the new mission is here!  Go complete it and help Club Penguin rid this nightmare once and for-all!

Avalanche Rescue

Filed under: Secret Agent Missions — boulderdash @ 5:32 am

At the beginning of the mission you will be in the HQ with G.  Talk to him.  Ask him about the white fur you recovered from the last mission.  Then ask him about the avalanche incident.  He will tell you that there are 4 penguins trapped on Ski Hill.  He will then tell you to use the Life Preserver Shooter and any other items you can adapt to it to make something to help rescue the penguins.  Then ask where you can find the Life Preserver Shooter.  He will say it is in the Gadget Room, and unlock it.  He will then disappear until the end of the mission.

Once inside, find the Life Preserver Shooter and put it in your inventory.  Then go to the Lighthouse.  Find the rope draped over the boat and just like the Life Preserver Shooter, put it in your inventory.  Next, go to the Ski Lodge.  Locate the Fishing Pole next to the Ice Fishing game (door).  Now that you have all the items in your inventory, put them all together!  Put the Fishing Pole on the Life Preserver Shooter, and then the Rope on top of that!  Now you have a gadget useful of rescuing the penguins.

But before you go to the Mountain, you must go to Ski Village.  Find the White Fibers by the Ski Lift and put them in your inventory for later.

Finally, go to the Mountain.  Go down Ridge Run.  You will now be faced with 3 pathways continuously.  (This is random every time) So in order to get it right away, go to the Lighthouse Beacon.  use the Wrench on your Spy Phone to take off the Telescope and take it into the Sport Shop.  Go upstairs to the 2nd floor of the Sport Shop and look at the window.  Locate the window that has a Telescope stand and put the telescope on there.  This will show you the correct path of travel to go.

Once down where the 4 penguins are,

(Represents where penguins and cliff with rock are)


                                             ____O                                        2




use the special gadget you just made to grab penguin #1 and then use his weight to get penguin #2.  Now that you have both of them on the gadget, put the first penguin back where he was on the tree branch (so that he is not blocking you from getting penguin #3) then use penguin #2 to get penguin #3 and go back and get penguin #1.  Now put all the penguins on the cliff where the rock is.  They will all push it, and thus the rock will fall and spring the last penguin up a little bit higher.  Get all the 3 previous penguins back on the gadget and drop them down to get the last penguin.

Once you have successfully rescued all 4 penguins, you will then be back on top of the mountain with a bunch of workers and G.  Give the white fibers you found at Ski Village to him.  And that’s the mission!

BONUS:  Take the belt of the mannequin penguin in the Sport Shop, and put it on the Ski Lift in Ski Village to fix it!  Doing this, you get a bonus award at the end of the mission! (This tip was given to me by an anonymous player)

If you don’t understand, watch the video. 🙂

August 5, 2007

4th Mission!

Filed under: Secret Agent Missions, Special Events — boulderdash @ 7:23 am

For all of you secret agents out there who don’t know what’s happening with the avalanches and the cautions around Club Penguin of Ski Hill.  There is a 4th mission coming out!  I don’t know what it will be about but maybe these pictures will give you some help!



The new mission comes out in just a few days!


Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 7:19 am

For all of you Agents out there, (If you are not a secret agent then you will not understand this text, come back when you bacome a secret agent) there has been another caution reading on the board of the HQ regarding the avalanche incident.  This could be another clue for the 4th mission!  Look above for sneak peeks for the 4th mission!


Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 6:24 am

Hi everyone!  I’m back from vacation!  Hurray! 🙂

Like I said I was on a temprary vacation from my website but I still checked up on it every now and then.  Now I will start updating my site more often and putting up pictures to help you awesome viewers out! 

Waddle On! 😀

August 4, 2007

Catalog Secrets (August/September)

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 12:28 am

Here are the secrets for the August/September catalog! Enjoy


1)  This isnt really a secret but kind of a fun thing to do, if you click on the flashlight then it will turn on, nothing else, I just thought it was kind of wierd.


2)  Click on the CP wetsuit to reveal the hidden Swim Goggles!


3)  If you click on the Black Electric Guitar (The green dots) then it will reveal the old Red Electric Guitar! (Nati778 helped me find this one) 🙂


4)  And of course the Viking helmet which is hidden within the Headphones.  Click on it once to reveal the Red one, and click on it 3 more times to reveal the Blue one!



Good Luck out there!  Waddle on!

July 22, 2007

Beta Tester

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:25 am

I met a Beta Tester on Club Penguin today before I left!  Here is the picture!


You can tell its a beta tester by the hat.  And also, look at the name.  You can’t get your name like that with capital letters in the middle or the end.  Only the beginning so thats another way to tell.

New Mission!

Filed under: Secret Agent Missions — boulderdash @ 2:14 am

There is gonna be a new mission!  I don’t know what it will be like or anything like that, all I know is that there will be a new mission, hopefully Monday! 😀

Waddle On!

July 21, 2007


Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 8:51 pm

Sorry everyone but I am leaving for vacation 😦 .  But that’s ok 🙂 .  Because I will be coming back on August 4!  There is a very slim chance of me being able to post anything while I’m on vacation so I most likely wont be posting anything new.  But I will try!

They have a computer where I’m going but I won’t be able to use it often.  So don’t worry, I’m not leaving Club Penguin, but merely taking a break I guess you could say. 😆

Be back soon – Boulderdash

Waddle On! 🙂

New Stuff!

Filed under: Old But Important — boulderdash @ 1:05 am

Lots of things came out today in Club Penguin!  And here they are!

1)  You can get Blue Water Wings in the Plaza!  Don’t be the only one without them! lol




Also, the new Igloo Catalog’s came out! 

Heres the new stuff in the first one! 🙂




And here is the Igloo catalog!  With all new Igloos and other stuff you may not care about!


For the contest, you can get the Fishbowl igloo!  You’ll be getting real close to that 10,000 coin reward with that igloo!


July 20, 2007

Lonelyness :(

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 5:39 am


Hello?  Is anybody there?  Helloooo. 😕

Standing On Water Glitch

Filed under: Glitches — boulderdash @ 3:07 am

This is very simple really.  Just go to the Dock and click in an area behind the boat.  You will notice that you are stainding on the water!


July 19, 2007

Mexican Revolt

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 7:10 am

I guess there weren’t enough nachos to go around and so the Mexican penguins revolted. 🙂


Underground Re-opened!

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 6:05 am

Hi everybody, the underground was re-opened today!  The window is finally fixed and the water is being drained at the moment of this post. 

 But the really cool thing is, there are new tricks on the Cart Surfing game! (I counted 3)

Here is  some of the new tricks,

1) (Run with Cart)  It kinda looks stupid but its a big pointer trick. (80 pts.)

How to do it:  Hold the down arrow key and then hit Spacebar (↓, space)


2) (Stand on front of Cart) Be careful you don’t fall off.  That would be nasty. 😆 (40 pts.)

How to do it:  Hit the up arrow key twice (↑,↑)


3) (Quick Drop) Sometimes you jump when you don’t mean to.  Well now you can turn your accident into a trick worth something! (30 pts.)

How to do it:  Hit Spacebar and then hit the down arrow key (space, ↓)


July 18, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:08 am

Its a good time to become a member.  This catalog is a great one and you don’t want to miss out on it!  Just follow the 2 simple steps below to become a member!

1)  Go to the main screen of Club Penguin and click on “Membership”


2)  Then select the type of Membership you want (monthly, 6 months, 1 year).  BUT MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT IF YOU GET THE MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP, YOU REMEMBER TO CANCEL IT AFTER A MONTH, BECAUSE IF YOU DON’T, THEN IT WILL JUST KEEP CHARGING YOU 6 DOLLARS A MONTH FOREVER!  It also depends on how you pay for it.


Join the club.  The Club Penguin. 🙂

Water Anyone?

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 5:36 am

Just some more funny pics.  Hope you like them. 🙂



Wierd Glitches

Filed under: Glitches — boulderdash @ 5:34 am

Here are two things you would probably never notice (And i wouldn’t necessarily call them glitches, but really strange coincidence’s).  Here they are.

1)  Did you ever notice that whenever you are dancing, and you transport to a different room that if you stand still, you will still be dancing?

2)  Did you realize that the Pet Shop has 1 door on the outside, and 2 doors on the inside?



Weekend Water Party Pictures!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 3:58 am

Here are some pictures of the Weekend Water Party!  Enjoy. 🙂


“Burgers?”  What happened to McDonalds?


Hmmmm, lemon or strawberry?


Dumbo!  How’d you get in here!?


Now this is a mans Jug!


Anyone up for some Water-Ball?


How does water come out of a balloon?


Now this is what I call a Water Party!


Fun in the Sun anyone?


This has got to be the BEST Snow Forts ever! 


The new and improved Ice Rink!

Hope you enjoyed them!  Hope they also remind you of the water party, if you weren’t there then you’re lucky you get to see what it was like! 😀

July 13, 2007

The Weekend Water Party!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 11:14 am

Yes, the party is finally here!  Boy do I have some news for you!

First off, there is a new free item!  Its called the Umbrella Hat and its in the Coffee Shop!  Don’t get rained on with this new stylish hat. 🙂



Second, I was right about the snowball thing!  Instead of throwing a snowball, you will throw a water balloon!  Enjoy it while it lasts!


Pictures of the party coming soon. 🙂

Standing On Doors And Pathways

Filed under: Glitches, Videos — boulderdash @ 6:36 am

This is a little video on how to stand on doors and pathways without being transported to the next room! 

P.S.  When you go down Bunny Hill wait 5 sec.  Or as I did, just wait until your in-between the 2 small hills and the Big hill. 🙂

Time Warping!

Filed under: Glitches — boulderdash @ 5:47 am

Need to make your penguin older for some reason like becoming a Secret Agent or a Tour Guide?  Then take a trip through the Time Machine glitch!  This is very simple.

1) Locate the time on your computer (It should be in the bottom right corner of your computer)

2) Double click on it to open up the time

3) Change the date to anything you want and log onto Club Penguin

You will see that your penguin will be older depending on what you changed the date to on your Computer!  Here is an example.





Cool huh?

What Would You Like?

Filed under: Suggestion Box — boulderdash @ 3:55 am

What would you like for me to have on my Website?  What would you like to see more of on my site, or something completely new on here?!? 


Game Help

Secrets (Depends on what happens on CP)

And much more!  Just let me know what you would like.  It would really help me. 🙂

The Upcoming Weekend Party!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 3:21 am

Everyone eagerly awaits the coming of the Weekend party.  Hopefully there will be new items!  You’ll have to come to my site to see all the amazing things this party beholds!  Or you could just go to CP. lol

Keep on Waddlin’ 🙂

Pointers On Catchin’ Waves

Filed under: Videos — boulderdash @ 3:17 am

This is what I do on Catchin’ Waves and I usually get about 1,000 coins on one wave!  So if you see anything that you think would help you, use it! 🙂

July 12, 2007


Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 5:49 am


Watch out for Nega Penguin on CP.  He can ban you!  Lol.

You Can Curse In CP!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 4:38 am

Now this isn’t a really good trick to teach the younger viewers on my site 12 and younger but I thought it would be interesting to the rest of you. 

Make sure your in your Igloo ALONE and then say as many curse words as you want and you won’t get banned!  Click on the picture file below to view it.  BUT DO NOT IF YOU DO NOT APPRECIATE CURSING!!


July 11, 2007

Second World Of Club Penguin!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 5:56 am

Its like a second version of Club Penguin!!  Except it allows you to talk about anything without being blocked!!  If you do not like curse words then do not attend to this site. 


July 10, 2007

Storm Is Leaving

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 5:20 am

Hi everyone.  Interesting news today, the Storm is leaving!  No more broken windows by upset crabs anymore! Hurray! 😀

Go look in the binoculars!  You’ll see the storm leaving, or you can see it in the picture below. 😆


July 9, 2007

Puffle Round-Up

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 9:28 am


Most of you may not play Puffle Round-Up, but some people told me about their troubles and I decided to make a post on it to help you out. 

However, the only thing I can give you is some tips.  Not anything fancy like herding them faster or something like that.

1)  You realize that some Puffles move away from you sooner than others the closer your mouse gets to them right?  Well here is the order for that.

(Red dots resemble how far your mouse has to be before the Puffle moves)

1 – Black puffle-round-up-1.jpg

2 – Purple puffle-round-up-20.jpg

3 – Green puffle-round-up-3.jpg

4 – Pink puffle-round-up-4.jpg

5 – Blue puffle-3.jpg

(Did you know that there is no red puffle in this game?  I wonder why?)

If I find out anything else new I’ll post here.

Basic Club Penguin Guide For Beginners

Filed under: Club Penguin Guide — boulderdash @ 9:15 am

Hi, I’m Boulderdash and I am going to take you through Club Penguin to help you better understand it if you are new to it. 🙂


First to start off, whenever you enter the world of Club Penguin, you will have a Blue ring around your penguin.  This lets you know that this is your penguin.  Your screen name will also appear below your penguin. 


If you click on the ground in a random place, you will notice that you will move there. 


You can also click on doors and other items to explore different rooms and items.


Click on yourself to open up your Player card.  On your Player card you will find 2 tabs on the right side of it. 


Click on the top on to see what items you have that are articles of clothing. 


Click on the bottom one to view items like colors for your Penguin, Backgrounds and Pins. 


At the very bottom of your Player card you will see the amount of coins you have earned.  You can earn coins by playing the amazing games of Club Penguin or you can use these coins to buy items like backgrounds and colors, or if your a member you can buy more things like clothes and secret items.


Once another player enters the room, you can click on them to open up their Player card. 


Here, you can find out more about them, you can ask them to be your buddy by clicking the smiley face,


Send them a card by clicking on the picture of an envelope (NOT SHOWN), click on the skull icon to ignore them, or the Badge symbol to report them if they are breaking the rules.


But if they are your buddy, then you can visit their igloo by clicking on the home button, and you can find out where they are by clicking the yellow face with no smile.


You can talk to people using the easy-chat.  This is at the bottom in the blue bar, it is the farthest to the left.  The easy-chat comes with many sayings to help you talk to other penguins. 


You can also use the open-chat which is the big bar within the blue bar.  This allows you to chat openly if the words you are looking for aren’t in the easy-chat box.


You can also show emotion by using the emoticon symbols.  Emoticon is an emotion expressed through an icon, like the ones on your blue bar.  To open up a page with emoticons hit the happy face button, this will show many faces like angry, sad, happy etc.


You can do actions like dance, wave and sit by using the action symbol next to the emoticon button.


For fun, you can throw a snowball by clicking on the snowball button next to the action icon.


On the other side of the blue bar we will start with the star icon.  This opens up your player card in case you can’t click on your penguin due to overcrowding or something like that.


Next to the star, you will see the other smiley but this time not as happy, but still in a good mood!  Clicking on this allows you to look at your buddies in case you want to know which one is where.


The next icon is a picture of a house.  Use this to visit your own igloo if you want to.


And the last icon is used if you need information about your penguin or you want to edit something like your password, or become a member, etc.  It also shows how many days old your penguin is and how many buddies you have 🙂


That’s all for the tool bar, now lets move on to something a little more important like icons in the corners of your screen.

If you look at the top, right of your screen you will see a badge with an “M” on it.  This is the Moderator symbol, or the Secret agent icon.  You can click this to become a secret agent but only if you have been in Club Penguin for 30 days or more.  The reason so is because you need to know Club Penguin and what is considered good and bad. 


Now in the top, left corner, you will see a Newspaper.  This is the Penguin Times News.  You should read this to know what is going on in Club Penguin and to know the upcoming events.  Sometimes you will see an envelope or a card with a smile on it in this corner of your screen.  The envelope is an invitation from somebody asking you to be their buddy or an acceptance of someone being your buddy.  The card with the smile on it is a greeting from any possible penguin.


And in the bottom, left corner you will see a MAP.  This is your easy way to help get around Club Penguin.  You will see many places on this map, you can see what they are by putting your mouse over them.  But be aware that some things in Club Penguin are hidden and it will be your job to find them!


Good Luck Out There! 

Waddle On! – Boulderdash 🙂


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:25 am

Guess what!  I figured out how to “teleport” form the door to another place in the room! 

Its very simple, if its taking a while for your character to go into a room (meaning it has that loading screen with the 2 revolving arrows)  then go over the screen and if your mouse turns into a hand whenever its over something that can be clicked, then click several times in the area that the mouse turns into a hand, and when you finally get into the room, you should be somewhere else!

This happens a lot whenever you go into the Night Club and click in the middle of the screen, you should end up at the DJ table.

How Long Is This Again?

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 6:26 am


Could you hurry up before I have to shave please!!

This Is Awesome!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:27 am

This has nothing to do with Club Penguin, but it is an AWESOME screen shot from one of my other games.


What Is This Picture From?

Filed under: What Is This Picture From? — boulderdash @ 1:14 am

Here is the second picture to “What Is This Picture From?.”  Can you figure out where this picture was taken from?


July 8, 2007

Whats Wrong With This Picture?

Filed under: What's Wrong With This Picture? — boulderdash @ 11:51 pm

Here is this weeks “Whats Wrong With This Picture?”  And the answers from last week below.  Enjoy. 🙂



Think you got all of them?  See for yourself!


Rockhopper Is Officially Gone

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 11:34 pm

Well, even though Rockhopper left a week or 2 ago, he has now officially left becuase now he has disappeared from the telescope.  😦 But that’s ok 🙂 He will be here next month or so with new items!! 

Waddle on! 😀

July 6, 2007

Game Glitch?

Filed under: Funny Pictures, Glitches — boulderdash @ 11:06 pm

I was in the Dance Lounge and I wanted to go to the mine, and this happened.


It asked me if I wanted to play Thin Ice from the Mine. 😕

Snowball Launcher

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 9:03 am

Basically all I did was go into a crowded room and throw a bunch of snowballs at once.  It looks pretty awesome. 🙂


Stand On Top Of Another Penguin

Filed under: Funny Pictures, Glitches — boulderdash @ 8:56 am

All you have to do is simply make sure your cursor is over the penguin you want to stand on then hit Tab and you should be able to click on them and then walk over on top of them!! 


I’ve Been Hacked!!!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 8:12 am

Someone hacked into my account 👿 !! The only way I knew someone had done this is because I had a ton of people on my ignore list!!  I never put anyone on my ignore list except for today when someone was being rude and ugly (literally).  Thats when I saw it!! 

People beware, if you get a box that pops up while you are playing Club Penguin that says “Connection was lost,” it means that either someone who you gave your password to is logging on as you, or you are being hacked!!  If this happens, then IMMEDIATLY log back on.  This will kick them out of your account just like they did to you and if you don’t get that box again, then that means that they have given up. 

Just a little tip to keep your account safe.

What Is This Picture From?

Filed under: What Is This Picture From? — boulderdash @ 6:01 am


Can you figure out what this picture was taken from?  Name the item and the room it was taken from. 🙂

July 5, 2007

I Found A Quarter!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 11:43 pm


Check it out, a quarter!! Im rich!! I can finally afford that igloo!! Oh wait nevermind its a nickel. 😦

New Puffle!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 8:48 am

Would you like to purchase this Fourth of July Puffle?


Attitude:  Patriotic,  Aggressive

Favorite Toy: Flag, USA hat

What The Heck?

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 7:48 am


Who’s brilliant idea was this!?!?

Need A Good Laugh?

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 5:56 am
This has nothing to do with Club Penguin, but I thought you would enjoy it!


1) Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window? 

2) Why is it that when someone tells you that there are over a billion stars in the universe, you believe them, but if they tell you there is wet paint on the wall in front of you, you have to touch it to make sure? 

3) If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from? 

4) Can blind people see in their dreams? Do they dream? 

5) If Wile E.Coyote had enough money to buy all that Acme stuff, why couldn’t he just buy dinner? 

6) If the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat? 

7) What do you call male ballerinas? 

8)Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, ‘I think I’ll squeeze these dangly things here and drink whatever comes out’? 

9) Why does mineral water that ‘has trickled through mountains for centuries’ have a ‘use by’ date? 

——————————————————————————–      chart.jpg


What happens when you –

1) Have nothing to do

2) Own a sharp knife

3) Have a large lime

4) Own a patient cat

5) And its American Football Season?




——————————————————————————– In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods. 

On a Sear’s hairdryer:
….Do not use while sleeping.
(darn, and that’s the only time I have to work on my hair.)

 On a bag of Fritos:
….You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
(the shoplifter special?)

On a bar of Dial soap:
“Directions: Use like regular soap.”
(and that would be how???….)

On some Swanson frozen dinners:
“Serving suggestion: Defrost.”
(but, it’s “just” a suggestion.)

Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom):
“Do not turn upside down.”
(well…duh, a bit late, huh?)

On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding:
“Product will be hot after heating.”
(…and you thought????…)

On packaging for a Rowenta iron:
“Do not iron clothes on body.”
(but wouldn’t this save me more time?)

On Boot’s Children Cough Medicine:
“Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication.”
(We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction accidents if we could just get those 5-year-olds with head-colds off those forklifts.)

On Nytol Sleep Aid:
“Warning: May cause drowsiness.”
(and…I’m taking this because???….)

On most brands of Christmas lights:
“For indoor or outdoor use only.”
(as opposed to…what?)

On a Japanese food processor:
“Not to be used for the other use.”
(Now, somebody out there, help me on this. I’m a bit curious.)

On Sainsbury’s peanuts:
“Warning: contains nuts.”
(talk about a news flash)

On an American Airlines packet of nuts:
“Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.”
(Step 3: maybe, uh…fly Delta?)

On a child’s superman costume:
“Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.”
(I don’t blame the company. I blame the parents for this one.)

On a Swedish chainsaw:
“Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.”
(Oh my God…was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)



The perfect way of getting out of chores!




Music Anyone?

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 4:23 am


I can play the Piano pretty well.  What do you think?

July 4, 2007

We Love Club Penguin

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 10:24 pm

These people must love Club Penguin.  They traded in their Tour Guide hats for Signs so that they could spell out a message! Jk.


The Fourth Of July!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 10:21 pm

The Fourth of July is finally here!  For those of you who don’t know why the Fourth of July is so special, it is the day that America fought for its independance!  Think of it, if we weren’t independant, then we probably wouldn’t have the best things in life that we have today!  Like Pizza, Movies, nice homes, and of course, Club Penguin!  So give it more thought than what you think its worth. 🙂


Too Many!!

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 9:13 am


Uhhh, exactly how much is this gonna cost me?

Uh Oh

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 7:41 am


Aww man, what a tough decision!


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:03 am

Its just a shorter word for “going under the blue bar” basically.  To nub just simply hit F11 on your keyboard to open Full-Screen mode (all it does is get rid of the bar under and on top of your computer screen).  Then you should see a small white bar under the blue bar of Club Penguin, click on that and you should go under it!! 

If this hasn’t worked for you then try the “Play Club Penguin Full-Screen” version of on my Blogroll.  It comes with a white bar already.  Just repeat the steps I said in the last paragraph.


P.S.  My Blogroll is underneath my Blog Stats in the column bar to the right →


Or you can follow the steps below.

1) Move your mouse over into the chat/text section of the blue bar

2) Click and hold the left mouse button and drag down to the words underneath the Club Penguin screen (It is a Warning thing)

3) Let go when your mouse is over the words and then click again.  You should walk under the Bar!

4) Nub Nub Nub Nub Nub Nub Nub

Puffle Abuse

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 1:06 am


Hey everyone forgets sometime

July 3, 2007

Penguin Murder

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 10:37 pm


Uhhhh sure why not?

July 2, 2007

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Filed under: What's Wrong With This Picture? — boulderdash @ 5:32 am

Hi there, for several weeks I will be posting a picture with 5 things that are missing, missplaced, or irregular.  It will be something that you will have to find out!!  In the picture below, try to find the 5 things that are wrong with the picture on the right.


Click on it to view it full sized.

Fourth Of July!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 1:09 am



There are Fireworks at the Iceberg and this could only mean one thing.  Its the start of the Fourth of July Weekend Party!  No one knows just yet what the party will be like, but the Fireworks sure say a lot.  Go see for yourself at the Iceberg!


Oooooooooo, Aaaaaaaaaaa.

July 1, 2007

Where’s Boulderdash?

Filed under: Where's Boulderdash? — boulderdash @ 6:48 am

Its the new sensation thats sweeping the nation (much better than Where’s Waldo).  It’s “Where’s Boulderdash!! (applause)  Every week I will be posting a picture with me hidden in it somewhere.  This is going to be a little just for fun thing for a few weeks.  Enjoy 🙂

Here is the picture for this week. 🙂


Note:  You might want to click on this picture to view it full size.

New Costume Change

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:24 am

Hello fellow penguins.  Just wanted to let you know that I have a new costume change.  Now I will be walking around with a Hockey Stick. 🙂


Coming Soon – Puffle Round-Up Help Guide

June 30, 2007

New Stuff (July)

Filed under: Games, Old But Important — boulderdash @ 5:40 am

2)  I wonder what this could mean except that we have a new Surfing Level!!  Thats right just go into the Surf Shack to play Survival mode of Surfing.  This is what the Storm was all about!!  It wasn’t anything to ruin Clup Penguin, but something to enhance it!!


In this game mode, you must surf your way out of danger, dodging every obstacle like icebergs and preventing from wipping out from the extremely fast wave.



Thats all for now. 🙂

June 29, 2007

Surfing, What They Didn’t Tell You

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 10:16 am



Basics –

1) Move the mouse up and down to get ahead of the wave.  Going down makes you go faster.  (just like the picture below)


2) To “Shoot the Tube” (or ride under the wave) pull your mouse behind your penguin to slow down and hold the left mouse button to balance yourself.


3)  Pull your mouse up over the wave to jump.  While you are in the air rotate your mouse (in any direction, whichever makes you happy 🙂 ) to do flips.


4) While in the air, hold the left mouse button to steady yourself as you come down before you hit the wave, then you should be grinding.


 What you were expecting more?  Well go to Part 2 then.  Jeez. . . Jk.



1) While you are “Shooting the Tube,” do the Blender; (↓ →) it is the best trick to use while you are under the wave (Tip:  once you have started the Blender trick, meaning you have already hit the down arrow key, then all you have to do is keep hitting the right arrow key and you will be doing the Blender over and over again) and you will constantly be getting 20 points, and your score for Shooting the Tube will increase faster meaning more points, quicker.  If you don’t understand just look at the picture.


2) When you are just trying to out-surf the wave or you aren’t doing a trick of any kind, it is best if you keep hitting the right arrow key (you will get 10 points at a time).  Doing this will get you 30 points a second if your doing it right.


3) When you do a flip in the air, hit the right, left, down, or up arrow key to spin.  When spinning in the air, you will start to gain points.  I would recommend right arrow key, only because it works best for the trick I am about to tell you next.


4) Then when you are still in the air, hold the left mouse button before you  hit the wave and start grinding.  While you are grinding hit the up button to do Surf Fever, (or anything else that works for you, like the Ice Breaker or something) then let go of the mouse button for a SPLIT SECOND then hold it again.  Letting go for that specific amount of time will have you jump of the wave and then by holding the left mouse button you are grinding again.  Like in this picture.


5) After you have successfully jumped and grinded, you should now see that your points are increasing a LOT faster!!  This is because the computer program of Surfing is registering that you are doing a trick while you are grinding, and this is what makes your points gain faster.


See the difference between this picture and the one before it?  These were takin within seconds of each other.


VIP Access

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 8:06 am

Did you know that if your a member, then you have a VIP access into Club Penguin?  Well, here it is, something I never thought anyone would notice but if you are not a member, then you will most likely won’t be able to get into something that is 3/4 of the way full.  Like the chart below.


This chart shows that if a server is filled up to 3/4 of the way, then after that, only members can get in.  That is what the Red area means.  The Blue area allows anyone to get in, member or non-member.  But after that bar is full of people, then only the people who are members can get in.  Like a VIP line.

Here is another couple of pictures to help you out.


This Server above shows how full it is when you are a “non-member”.


While this Server shows how full it is if you are a “member.”

See the difference?  Members get a little imaginary VIP pass that allows them to go into a server if it isn’t completely full, but doesn’t allow non-members even if it is under the same conditions.  You may cry if you want, I have a tissue.  😦

Rockhopper’s Key

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 3:54 am

There are people talking  about the key to Rockhopper’s Quarters, but the question of the matter is, is there even a Key?  Most of you may think yes, but did you ever think that the Captain’s Quarters is just there because the game programmers are working on it?  Have you ever seen a Penguin go inside?  Did you ever think that the key is just a rumor?  You tell me, but in the meantime, I’ll be scanning Club Penguin for this “Key” just in case there really is one.  But I suggest that those of you who spend forever looking for it, just don’t spend so long because it may not exist, and it may just open itself in time.

Now, most of you also have ideas of it being under the Iceberg, and I know where that rumor started.  Everyone thinks that because of the map on the back wall of the Ship Hold on the Migrator.  But that is actually Rockhopper’s map to Club Penguin.  If you look in the picture below, then you will see that the Iceberg is off to the left of the huge chunk of ice that is Club Penguin.  The smaller bit of ice is outlined in red, and that is the Iceberg!!  That map on the wall leads to the beach where Rockhopper comes.  Thats all it is!!  So don’t waste your whole time looking for this key that possibly isn’t there.


P.S.  Rockhopper might open his quarters sometime but not today according to Aunt Arctic in the Thursday paper.  Read it for yourself.


What The Storm Is All About!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:44 am

Hi fellow penguins, I have figured out what this Storm that has got everyone worried is finally about!  All it is going to do is give us an extra boost of fun on “Catchin’ Waves.”  Because this Storm is going to blow the water around, possibly making bigger waves!!  So if you were having fun with Surfing before, just wait!!  Here is a hint of what the new levels may be like.


June 28, 2007

Spongebob And Me

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 2:24 am


Just another picture to make you laugh. 😆

Find Four

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 1:50 am

These are just a couple hints to help you get an easy win on Find Four (Please note that this may not work for you, so don’t leave any comments about how it didn’t work). 

First off, try to begin first or this may not work, however it is still a possibility that it will.  You want to start out in the middle place because that is the place where you have the best chance of getting a Connect Four, and also because it is the perfect place to begin this trick I am going to tell you about.  Do you see in the picture where I highlighted in a bold red outline?  That is where you want to go. 


The reason why is because you are going to have to end up going there anyway so you might as well get it before your opponent does.  Now once they go, you want to go in a certain direction depending on where your opponent went.  If they go on the far left, then you should place another piece next to the previous one AWAY from the piece that was placed by your opponent like in the picture.  Look at where they put their piece, all the way to the left, so you are going to go the other way.  If they place it on top of yours, then you can go any direction.


The goal of doing all of this is to do what I did in the picture below.  To get 3 of your own pieces next to each other without another of your opponents pieces there.  By doing this your opponent has the option to only block one area, then that allows you to go to the opposite area and get a connect four!!  The available spots are highlighted in red to show where your opponent is likely to go.  Then just simply go in the other spot!! 


Hope this helped you!! 🙂

P.S.  Has this ever happened to you?


It turns out that whenever you fill up the entire thing, you are forced to quit!!  So no one wins!! 😦

Weekly Poll

Filed under: Old But Important — boulderdash @ 12:39 am

As you may or may not have noticed when you waddled into Club Penguin, there is a Weekly Poll now on the front page.  It appears that Club Penguin would like our opinion on certain issues, and this is the place to put them!!  Just click on the Poll tab on the Home page and it will open up a poll tab.  Place your opinion on which one you would like. 


June 27, 2007


Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 10:32 am

These are just a few basic tips to help you start out on the right foot of Mancala.

First, try to be the first person to go, meaning your name will be on the bottom of the Mancala box.  Then, use the group of beads in the column 4 from your pile.  If you don’t understand then just look at the picture and where the arrow is.


Using this group first will get you a free turn to go again, and when that happens, use the second group of beads from your pile.  It should have five in it.  If you do this then you will ruin the opportunity for your opponent to use their pile of 4 beads to get a free turn, and therefore they now have less chances of getting a free turn.


P.S.  Do not move your 2 groups of pieces on the far left(Next to your opponents pile) these have the perfect chance for getting a Free Turn. 🙂

New Surfing Option

Filed under: Games, New Stuff — boulderdash @ 7:45 am


Still having trouble with Surfing?  Take a lesson!!  You can now take a Surf Lesson when you go surfing!!  Just walk into the Surf Shack and select Surf Lesson.

Help Your Neighbor

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 7:34 am


Just another picture to give you a laugh.

June 26, 2007

Where’s Boulderdash?

Filed under: Where's Boulderdash? — boulderdash @ 5:27 am

Its the new sensation thats sweeping the nation (much better than Where’s Waldo).  It’s “Where’s Boulderdash!! (applause)  Every week I will be posting a picture with me hidden in it somewhere.  This is going to be a little just for fun thing for a few weeks.  Enjoy 🙂

Here is the picture for this week. 🙂


Note:  You might want to click on this picture to view it full size.

Funny Picture

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 2:09 am

I was just playing Mancala and I noticed this disturbing picture.  Please avert your eyes if your stomach queezes from this kind of stuff. lol.


Suggestion Box

Filed under: Suggestion Box — boulderdash @ 12:46 am

🙂 This is a section of my site where you can give me suggestions for something.  Like for example, if you need special help on a game like surfing, then I will study it and put up a new post of hints, glitches, extras, and more.  All you have to do is tell me what you want.  Doesn’t that sound so easy?  Just make sure that you’re specific about what you want, ok? 🙂

June 23, 2007

Useful Tips

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 9:04 pm

Miss an issue of the Newspaper?  No worries fellow penguins.  You can find that issue in the boiler room below the Dance Floor of the Night Club.  Just click on the little icon in the bottom right corner to view them.

newspaper-1.jpg You can also make Dessert Pizzas instead of plain ones!!  To do so, just click on the lever in the picture.


Kill Rockhopper?

Filed under: Funny Pictures — boulderdash @ 2:41 am


I found this hidden in the program of Club Penguin.  Check it out.


JK.  Just thought you would enjoy a laugh. 😆


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:25 am


Prepare yourselves members of Club Penguin.  There might be a vicious storm coming as seen here in this picture through the binoculars.  But we will never know what will happen until it gets here.  Brace Yourself!!

June 22, 2007

I Met Rockhopper!!

Filed under: Rockhopper — boulderdash @ 11:23 pm

Here are some pictures of Rockhopper and the Eyepatch you can get from him.  The way to get the Eyepatch is to click on the icon that usually lets you become friends with someone.  Notice in this picture that is replaced by a winking E-mote.  Once you click on this you can get the Eyepatch!!

I met him in the Pizza Parlor and in the Pirate Ship Hold.

      rockhopper-again.jpg      i-met-rockhopper.jpg


Rockhopper is Here!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 10:16 pm

Rockhopper beached early this morning in Club Penguin and he could be anywhere!!  If you don’t have the Eyepatch, then you need to find Rockhopper!!  Only he has it!!  The best places you will find him are in the Snow Forts, the Dance Club, his Ship, and the Beach.


Here are the items that he brought with him on his ship.


Funny Trick

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 9:22 am


This is just a funny trick of how to stand on the sevret entrance to the Boiler Room without going into it!!  all you have to do is click where the red dot is in this picture.  Try it out!!

June 20, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:25 am

I know you get enough quizes in school, but I thought I would make one for Club Penguin so that it would be pretty interesting.  Here it is.



Filed under: Old But Important — boulderdash @ 12:56 am


What’s with the new binoculars at the Cove?  I thought it was just another thing like the telescope, that would allow you to see Rockhopper.  But I was wrong.  It turns out, that so far all it is, is a way to see what is going on out in the water.  Here are some of the things you will see in the binoculars. 




June 18, 2007

My New Igloo

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 4:06 am


Hi Everybody, this is Boulderdash saying that I have got a new igloo!! Here it is.

June 15, 2007

New Stuff (June/July)

Filed under: Old But Important — boulderdash @ 11:22 pm

Here is the new stuff I found so far in Club Penguin.









Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:51 am


I have no idea of how this happened but whenever I was moving around all my TV’s, I noticed that I had one extra!!  There must have been a certain button I pushed, or it was just a once in a lifetime glitch, but either way I am going to try to find out how to do this.  (If it’s possible) Here is the picture above.

P.S. This isn’t some joke that I am trying to pull, if this happens to you, let me know.  I need all the information I can get.

About 8 hours later – I think I have figured out how to Duplicate.  The only problem is that whenever you Duplicate, it’s usually in your box whenever you leave and come back to your igloo.  I’m still working on a solution of how to keep the items in your igloo without them disappearing into your box.  Here is what I have so far.

Hold control while clicking on something to put in your igloo.  Then it will come out attatched to your mouse like usual.  Click on a random spot to put it and then let go of control.  Then pick it back up and hold control again once you have picked it up, and then drag it to the white area around your igloo to put it back in your box.  If done right, you should have one extra item of whatever you were using since you have been in your igloo.  This may take a few tries to nail.

June 13, 2007

?Question Box?

Filed under: ?Question Box? — boulderdash @ 9:09 am


This is just something allowing you to ask questions freely about anything you may need help with.  KNOCK YOURSELF OUT 🙂

The Igloo Contest Winners!!

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 8:59 am

Yes, its the best of the best igloo’s in Club Penguin for the first time shown on my site.  Enjoy the pictures, maybe you could get a few ideas. 😆


Gadee Bhabi










46 Rossi








Ex Dude


All The Faces You Can Make On A WordPress Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 7:16 am


This was from 999pingu111 site,  which is another awesome Wordpress blog. 

Here it is. www.999pingu111.wordpress.com

June 10, 2007

The Summer Party Pictures

Filed under: Special Events — boulderdash @ 12:35 am

Yay! Ice Cream!

Who Wants To Play Castle?

Replacement Tree

The Tricked Out Town

6 Legs Of Fun?

Iceberg Fun

Cool Snow Forts

Sweet board

Summer Torches

Cool Sand Castle

Nice Interior Design

The Summer Band

June 4, 2007

New Game!!

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 9:09 pm

The new game to add to all the others is the really hot game you can cool off to.  This brand new game is surfing, and in my opinion, it is one of the best games yet.  Sure you do not get that many coins off it unless you have already mastered it (the most I got was 886) but it is one of the most competitive sports yet.  A RACE FOR SUPERIORITY.                  


Here is what it looks like when you win First Place on Competition!


I have not found anything like secret coins, or extra lives, or anything like that, but what I can tell you is that the best way to get coins is if you get extremely close to the wave.  I once got over 1000 points.  And also, whenever you are doing a trick on your board while still riding the wave, you can hit left arrow and right arrow and many other combinations.  But to constantly get coins, just keep holding (or hitting for some computers) the last arrow key you hit to do your trick.  This also helps you get points in mid-air. And one more thing,  If you die once the wave goes away at the end then u get a little extra time to make extra points. (going too far down is easiest, to where you crash into the water) GOOD LUCK 🙂

Here is a picture of me getting up to 1000 points. (I got more than that, but I thought 1000 was a nice round number) Also the most points I ever got from grinding!


And here is something new I found out.  If you take your red puffle with you to surf, then he surfs along side you!! Here is a picture of it!!          surfing-1.jpg

P.S. This doesn’t work with any other puffle as far as I know

June 2, 2007

What The Heck???

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:21 am


What a freaky glitch!!  If you are wearing clothes and you go to your player card, take them off and put a special item on (something that makes you do a special dance, like right here I have the grass skirt on doing the Hula) but do NOT exit out of the player card (or click on someone else bringing up there player card, then you can exit out of that), then dance.  And this is what happens!!  It turns out that whenever you do this process, your outfit will throw an invisible snowball towards the bottem-right corner of your screen as you do the special dance of whatever you put on in your player card!!

If you do not fully understand this, then please post a comment saying so, so that I may aid you in any way and correct my Post.

June 1, 2007

Creator of CPAG

Filed under: Creator of CPAG — boulderdash @ 9:55 pm


Hi, its me Boulderdash, or what people now me as my screen name – Boulderdash1.  I wanted to create this site so that people who wanted help with anything could find it here (and for some people who want to show off).  Another reason is because I found loads of glitches, secrets, and more.  And I felt like sharing that with anyone who is willing to read my information.  And just to be sure with everybody, I do NOT put anything on my site that I have not tested first and know works, so if it does not work for you, either you are doing it wrong or you have a wierd computerI just simply stick to the basics, I only put things on CPAG that everyone can do. 

Please comment on something if you need any help or so I can be sure to change something to better enhance your gaming experience.  If you have found something interesting please post it in a comment and I will put in a new post section giving you full credit for the find.  Hope you enjoy my site.  Boulderdash 🙂

You can usually find me on the Canadian Server – Mukluk



Case of the Missing Coins

Filed under: Secret Agent Missions — boulderdash @ 5:27 pm

In this mission you will start out at the front of the bank vault. 

Talk to the green penguin standing beside it.  He will tell you that he is a knew agent and tell you all he knows of what happened.  Ask him if “The door appeared to be tampered with when he got there.”  He will then show you that it was not and shut the door.  Then he wont be able to get it back open because you have to get a password.  Once you are done talking to him, go through the door on the right of the vault (the office).  Go to the couch and click underneath it.  You should see a floppy disk and a paper clip.  Grab them both,  then go to the computer.  Turn it on and put the floppy disk in.  There will be 3 files once you click on my files – Items, Combination_Number, and Ice_Bricks.  The only important one is Combination_Number.  Click on that and it should come up with random numbers and the letters N, E , S, and W.  These stand for North, East, South, and West.  remember the numbers and go back to the vault.  Whatever number you got for N will go in the top spot, E will go in the rightspot, S in bottem, and W in left.  The vault will open now, and when it does, click on the stack of coins on the ceiling.  The green penguin will talk to you and when you are done talking, your spy phone will ring.  It will be G asking you to come back to HQ.  He will show you a video of the coins rising to the ceiling and ask you to check out the rooftop.  DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL HE OPENS THE DRAWER OF KEYS INSIDE!!!  Once he does, get the key that says “Roof Top” (it is always in the top left corner of the drawer).  Once done so, go back to the gift shop, into the staff office, and the roof top door should be to the very left of it.  Use your key to get in.  You will then see a giant magnet, Use your wrench from the tools section of your spy phone to open the “Powa Box.”  Once inside, click on the paperclip you got earlier and throw it into the “Powa Box.”  It will short fuse the magnet and die out.  After you have successfully deactivated the magnet grab the white fibers in the gutter (to the left of the magnet) and go back to the bank vault and click on the coins, the green penguin should come out after being crushed by the falling coins.  Then, go see G.  Give him the white fibers you found.  He will then ask you to do one last thing, upon deactivating the magnet, it shorted out the power in the dance club.  He will ask you to go to the boiler room and turn the lights back on.  Use your night vision goggles for this part, unless you didn’t start out with them, then ask G for something, he will give some piece of junk flashlight on the table to the right of him.  Then go to the Dance club.  Go down into the Boiler Room (click on one of the stereos to reveal the ladder) and locate the Fuse Box (it should be directly behind you, open it and mess with the buttons until all of them are green.  Then go back too HQ and talk to G again to finish out the mission.

G’s Secret Mission

Filed under: Secret Agent Missions — boulderdash @ 4:59 pm

This mission, starting as a test run, actually turns into a survival skills test.  Seeing if you can survive on your own. 

You will start out in G’s presence in the ski lodge.  Once you talk to him he will require a secret word before he will show you what he has planned for you.  The word is MOGUL.  Once said, he will show you his new invention in need of a test run, and you will be the one to test it.  Put it in your inventory and go to Ski Mountain.  Click on the sled machine and then click on the sign in the back that says “Test Run.”  Then it will take you to a fun track.  (If you are trying to get through this mission fast, then you might as well crash purposely because your bound to crash anyway)  Once you awake from your heavy crash you will see many things scattered everywhere.  The main thing you will need in this area is the “Survival Guide.”  Then, take the path on the left with the O’ berry bush and get at least 2 ‘O berries.  Then go a little to the right and spot a tree with a pan in it.  Click on the tree 3 times and the pan will drop, then pick it up.  Then advance to the next pathway which will have a stump, and when you get there you will meet a black puffle.  Give him one of the ‘O berries you got and he will want to help you.  Next, go through the pathway furthest on the right and then go through another pathway which will be furthest on the left (it will have a river in the background).  Click on the log and put in your inventory, and then grab the pan and go over to the river and fill it up.  After you have done that, go to the cave which will be the pathway furthest on the left.  Click on the bushes to get in and then click on the rocks to form a stable fire place.  Then, put the log in the rock formation and put the survival guide in there too (this makes it easier to catch on fire).  Then give your puffle another ‘O berry to light the log.  Once that is completed, put the pan of water on the fire, and once it starts boiling, pick it up and drink it.  You will then be very tired and fall asleep.  You will awake to the sound of a Jet Pack outside.  Go outside and you will meet an agent who will take you back to G’s shop.  You should be able to figure out the rest from there.

Case of the Missing Puffles

Filed under: Secret Agent Missions — boulderdash @ 5:37 am

This mission will start you off at Aunt Arctic’s house.  Whenever your done talking to her go to the ice rink and find some pictures of her puffles (they will be on the right side of the ice rink).  then go back and show them to her.  After that, go to the Pet Shop and find a piece of paper nailed to a puffle house.  You will have to use your decoder for this part because the number is always different.  The message will say “G has (random number) pairs of socks.”  Remember this number and go to the ski lodge where G will be.  Ask him for any “special” items and he will ask you how many pairs of socks he has.  Type in the number you got from decoding the message on the puffles house to get these items.  A life preserver launcher (LPL), and a grappling hook (GH).  Take the LPL first and go to the Iceberg where penguins will seek your help.  Use the LPL to get all the penguins to shore safely.  Once done so, talk to the Green penguin.  He will give you information needed for your case.  Then go back to the ski lodge and get the GH.  Next, go to Ski Mountain, there you will find a penguin with a broken telescope.  Use your wrench in the tools section on your spy phone to repair it and then look through it until you find a green puffle flying wierdly.  Then go to the Tallest mountain in Club Penguin and use your GH to latch on to the top.  Finally, you will see the 2 puffles missing and you will take them back to Aunt Arctic’s igloo 🙂


May 31, 2007

Useful Hotkeys

Filed under: Hotkeys — boulderdash @ 9:19 pm




Special Dances

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 8:07 pm

You know that when you wear a special clothing item then you will dance differently right?  Well here is a way to do those special dances without the item!! 

First make sure that you are wearing nothing,  then click on your player card and choose something like drumsticks.  Then dance!  (make sure you still have your player card up) And you will find that you are doing the special dance without wearing the form of clothing!! 😀 You can also click on someone elses player card and exit out of them once you have selected your clothing to wear so that your player card is not taking up space on your screen.

P.S.  No one else can see you doing this so don’t try to show off!! lol.

Cart Surfer

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 6:13 pm

One of the fastest and funnest ways to get coins!!  Yes its Cart Surfer!!  On Cart Surfer you can get up to a total of at least 500 coins!!  And heres how!! 

All you have to do is constantly do backflips (100 points) and spins(80 points) (Backflips hit down and then space – Spins hit space and then the left or right arrow)which doing them one after the other will score up big points.  Plus, if you purposely crash on the second, fourth or sixth turn until you are down to your last life, then you will go back to the 3rd turn.  This will be your opportunity to do more tricks to earn more coins (usually about 100 – 200 coins).

Also, if you turn lime green before you play, the game wont slow down as much.  And if you crash at the very end (right when you touch the light) it will double score and your coins!!


Arcade Game Secrets

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 5:30 pm


ASTRO BARRIER                           


To start out, if you go to the game it will open up the main menu of course.  While you are there, if you hit the 1,2, or 3 numbers on your keyboard, then it will either take you to level 10,20, or 30 depending on what number you pressed.


Another thing is if you wait 30 seconds on the end of the 10th level, (On the introduction when it is showing you the orange block thing) if you wait 30 seconds on that stage then a blue ship will appear.  If you shoot that ship then it will take you to the “Secret Levels.”  This also works at the end of level 30.  If you wait thirty seconds, then it will take you to the “Expert Levels” and if you beat that then it will reward you with 25,000 extra points, which means that it will give you 250 coins. GOOD LUCK!!


Bunny Slope Trick

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 5:11 pm

You may or may not realize it from the start, but there is a place on Bunny Hill where if you stay in the same place, you wont hit anything and you will get all of the speeds (a.k.a. the patches of ice).  All you have to do is first check which slot you are in and if you are in the first slot, or the slot on the right then hit the left arrow key once.  And if you start out in the left slot, hit the right arrow key once and then watch.  This is an easy way to get some coins fast without doing much of anything.

Cool Game Glitch

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 3:59 am

Go to the mountain and start a game of Sled Racing.  Once you click “Yes” for the Question of do you want to play or not instantly click somwhere else on the screen, for instance on another sled racing game.  If it asks you if you would like to play say yes, so that when you start your first game of Sled Racing you should be playing the second game!!  This is a great way to play the four player slope “Ridge Run” with 2 players.

This can also work for Find Four, and Mancala.  But it wont work the same,  the most you can do is play on the other side of the room which is pretty neat if you ask me!!

Get More Than 100 Buddies!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:42 am

Now this is not really a good way to get true buddies that you would probably talk to, but it still is a cool trick. 

If you have about 99 buddies or less then go to a place and send out many invitations.  If most say yes then look at your account and you will see that you now have more than 100 buddies!!

Do Your Puffle A Favor

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:37 am

                 puffle.jpg           puffle-2.jpg

If you Bathe your puffle and then feed him/her then they will have 3 full bars instead of unmatched ones.  Then they can do all the really cool tricks and you only have to use up 15 coins instead of a bazillion!! (not like thats a word BUT I STICK BY MY METAPHORS) lol.

Also, here is a trick to keep your puffles but to not spend any money!!  Now, they wont have 3 full bars, but if you rest them and play with them, then they will have some full bars and they won’t run away!!  You don’t have to waste your money!!  Well actually just make sure that you feed them once every 5-6 days.  My friend says his ran away but for some reason mine didn’t.  And I have been doing it longer than him!!

Cool Flashing Words

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:34 am

If you type “Green Commander of . . .” (Type whatever you want after that, you dont have to type the . . .) then whenever you walk, the words will flash back and forth.  TRY IT OUT!!

Catching Mullet (The Big Fish on Ice Fishing)

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 3:31 am

Catching Mullet is actually quite easy when it comes down to it.  Regular fish dont mind eating worms because that is a meal to them.  But Mullet has a little bit more meat on his bones so he isnt looking for any appetizer, he wants the main course.  Make sure that you have a fish on the line whenever he comes and you will catch the mother of all fish!! MULLET!!


Also, Mullet will only come the second you get 60 fish.


Emote Hotkeys

Filed under: Hotkeys — boulderdash @ 3:28 am

























Snowball Trick

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:15 am

If you hit the hot key “T” over and over again as you click in an area, you will start throwing snowballs really really fast!!

(In other words, if you hit “T” and left click in a spot, it will throw a snowball.  Well, simply repeat that process over and over again and you will be a snowball champion!!)  However, there is a downside to it.  No one can see you do this, all they see you doing is throwing snowball after snowball at the regualar speed. Hope you win lots of Snowball fights!! Boulderdash1 ☺

The Club Penguin Website Secrets

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 3:09 am

There are only so many secrets I myself have found, and these may just be some of them.

On the Home page of Club Penguin, if you click on the Penguin at the top, he will go through several costume changes.  And also if you click on the N of Night Club, then the Penguin will now be wearing a ninja mask. (Look carefully its kind of difficult to see it) And if you click on the “Contact Us” icon it will take you to a different page, yes, but if you quickly scroll your mouse over the door of the Coffee shop and the door of the Gift shop, a blue penguin will come out of the Coffee shop and a Green from the Gift shop.  And if you do it fast enough, they will meet each other while trying to go to the shop the other penguin was just in and say “Hello” to one another on their way there.

Secret Places Hidden On Your Map

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 2:56 am


DOJO – Keep moving your mouse back and forth over the mountains until it turns into a hand, that will be where the dojo is (If your mouse lacks the capability of turning into a hand then just click all over the mountains.  Your bound to find it eventually.)

MINE – Hidden above the Plaza section and the recently added Forest and Cove.  (Its kind of obvious)

ICEBERG – Go out to the right of Club Penguin grounds and out in the middle of the water you should see a big chunk of ice, this will be the Iceberg.

Answers for Tour Guide and Secret Agent Quizzes

Filed under: Quiz Answers — boulderdash @ 2:42 am


1) Pick one quality that you think a secret agent should have.




2) Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator.




3) What would you do if you a saw a penguin breaking the rules?




4) Which type of personal information should be reported?




5) Pick one reason why you want to be a Secret Agent.




6) Pick another reason why you want to be a Secret Agent.






1) Which color puffle can catch on fire?





2) In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?





3) Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the background?





4) How does the pink puffle play?





5) What item is always hidden in different place in the clothing catalog every month?





6) How many sled racing tracks are there?



[4] ☺


7) Which room has a cuckoo clock?





8) How do you get a pin?





9) Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?





10) What is the name of captain rockhoppers ship?





11) What day does the newspaper come out?





12) What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?





13) Which of these games has a shark in it?





14) How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?



[60] ☺



Ballistic Biscuit Mystery Solved

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:58 am


 Did you know that Club Penguin Designers got their Ballistic Biscuit game from this game?  It turns out that all club penguin did was replace everything with penguins!!  Take a look, play the game.

Moving Someone Else’s Furniture!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — boulderdash @ 1:52 am

To move furniture is a simple process, but make sure that you can go to the Secret Agents HQ.  First go to your igloo.  Open up your player card and then click on edit igloo.  After you’ve done that, click on your spy phone and teleport to HQ while you are still editing your igloo.  Then once you have successfully done all that, go to anyone’s igloo and you can move their stuff around!!  The only downside is you can’t use hotkeys and you can’t talk afterwards, so you have to log off.

Jet Pack Adventure Secrets

Filed under: Games — boulderdash @ 1:40 am

Extra lives – After all everone needs an extra life when it comes to somthing like this. ☺.

On the first level there are not any extra lives.

On the second level, if you go straight up ↑ from the beginning and then once you reach the very top, head to the right → you will eventually see the extra life surrounded by a ring of 3 coins.

On the third level, once you get to the end you will see a sign that says “Cave.”  If you head left ← from that point you will shortly afterwards see an extra life protected by a windmill.

On the fourth level, just simply get to the end, when you see the landing pannel go down ↓ further and you will see an extra life next to an extra pack of fuel.

On the fifth level, get to about the middle of the level.  You should see a caution sign on the right → side of the cave and an opening going in an up-ward direction.  There should be many jagged rocks followed by an extra pack of fuel and an extra life almost completely surrounded by rocky cave formations.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONE-A! – for those of you looking for an adventure and a way to get fast coins, here it is!!  Try to get through the entire game without getting a single coin.  This also means that you have to drain your fuel at the end of the level before you touch down on the pannel.  If you do then at the end you will be rewarded 1,000 coins for your flight skills!! no lie!! Here is the picture.


INVINCIBILITY – This trick will help tremendously on levels four and five if your trying to avoid all coins, because just a heads up, your going to have to smack into the rocks to avoid coins. 😦 Alright, at the beginning of each level you arrive on a pannel. Duh.  Well, slowly inch over to the land while still touching the pannel.  The goal of this trick is to hit the land area and then bounce back on the pannel.  If done right you shouldn’t see yourself blinking white (if you did it very fast.  As long as you land back on the pannel before you stop blinking white, then this glitch will work) and, everytime you hit something, it wont take any fuel from you!!  However, if you run out of fuel then you will return to a vulnerable state. Good Luck!!

Collectable Pin

Filed under: Catalog and Pin Secrets — boulderdash @ 1:10 am

As you may (or may not) know there is a pin hidden every 2 weeks on club penguin.  Usually they all disappear 2 weeks later.  And some don’t. “some.” 

One that will most likely never disappear is the secret FRIENDSHIP BRACELET.  This pin is hidden in the back of the book of “Rockhopper and the Stowaway” in the book room of the Coffee Shop.


 5-24-07 – STARFISH – Where?  Well stuck to the moist wall of the underground mine of course!  Go get it now before its gone!  P.S. This Pin is gone.


6-7-07 – SURFBOARD – Like the many Surfboards around Club Penguin due to the Summer Party, this is actually not in the ground but in the branches on top of the Lighthouse!  just wave your mouse over it and it will fall down to a place where you can pick it up.


6-22-07 – PICNIC BASKET – Thats right, finally you can enjoy a picnic on the beach with this authentic Picnic Basket!


7-6-07 – WATER DROPLET – Don’t cry.  That’s what this pin is for.  Its up in the Dance Lounge on the Leafy plant!  Only there for 2 weeks!


7-30-07 – MINE CART – Its in the Pizza Parlor!  Why isn’t it in the Mine?  Eh . . . either way, its there!


8-3-07 – BUTTERFLY – Found in its natural habitat, the Butterfly is in the Forest!


8-17-07 – TENT – This once in a lifetime find is at the Mine!  Camp out with all your buddies in the green tent!


8-31-07 – BASEBALL – This pin can be found in the Boiler room of the Dance/ Night Club!  Play baseball outside with this new “accessory.”  Now all you need is a glove!


??????- ?????? – ???????????????????????????? (Coming Soon!)

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